Performance Management

Performance Icon

Whether it be maximising the performance of an employee or team for job enhancement or career development or conversely dealing with a tricky and unexpected problem, we can assist in a variety of ways providing support and solutions with:

  • Conducting Appraisals  & setting clear and measurable objectives
  • Identifying training needs and solutions
  • Driving positive behaviour to achieve a performance related culture
  • Tackling unsatisfactory performance whether it be an employee who has had an excessive amount of time off work through sickness, poor time keeping,  job performance that is not meeting requirements, or sensitive employment issues

Our services include

Law Icon

Employment Law & Best Practice HR Advice

Performance Icon

Performance Management

Employement Disputes

Employee Relations

Engagement & Communication

Employee Engagement & Communication

Contracts of Employment icon

Contracts of Employment, HR Policies & Procedures

Restructuring icon

Restructuring & Making Changes

Coaching Icon

Coaching, Learning & Development

Recruitment Icon

Recruitment & Selection